Three years Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) says Hizzonerテδ「テつテつ冱 strident anti-gun crusade actually hurt his cause. In an interview to be aired on C-SPAN on Sunday, Leahy said, テδ「テつテつ弑nfortunately, you have some on the left like the mayor of New York City, who actually didnテδ「テつテつ冲 help a bit with his ads.テδ「テつテつ
About a year elefantporno M23 president Bertrand Bisimwa said the attack on the rebel-held Rumangabo camp, 25 miles north of Goma, killed five civilians, but that claim could not be verified. The resident, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals, said the attack resulted in civilian and military casualties but could not provide figures.
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